The Turning Point

It was a fruitful and rewarding experience for the team of dedicated volunteers who conducted our signature Inside-Out Beauty program at The Turning Point from 7 March – 23 May 2019.  A total of 22 residents attended the program.

The residents looked forward to the sessions each week as they found the lessons encouraging and helping them to stay motivated.  For example, they were taught not to be afraid of failures but to regard them as opportunities to strengthen their character and to build their resilience;  that real defeat is when they quit trying!

The sessions were made interesting and simulating as we always introduced activities to enhance their learning.

The residents were open and willing to share about their struggles and fears in life as our caring volunteers were always ready to lend a listening ear and to offer them advice and counsel.

2019 training program 01

Building Straw Tower Activity

Friendship Matters

“I learned how to draw boundaries in friendship, relationships and gained clearer ideas on what’s healthy and what’s not, which is very essential.” NWL, 27 years old, A4

Word of Appreciation

“I would like to thank all the trainers for teaching us a lot of things since day 1. I have applied what I learnt and observed that I am more positive. Thank you very much.” ZJ, 26 years old

How to Deal with Guilt

‘ To forgive myself is as important as forgiving others.’ Melissa, TTP

Starting Over

‘It is never too late to start all over again and never to give up!’ Karen, TTP

2019 training program 02

Conflict Resolution – There are many ways to solve a problem!

Institution A4

We reached out to a total of 22 inmates with our Inside-Out beauty program at Institution A4 this year. It was conducted over 2 runs from 8 January – 22 February and 4 July – 4 September 2019.

It was really meaningful to have the opportunity to inspire and value add to their lives through the sessions conducted each week.  An inmate shared with us that she had difficulty dealing with her own emotions and tend to bottle them up as she feared that she might lose control.  Through the lesson on ‘Emotional Intelligence’, she learned to manage her own emotions and that of others.

Another inmate was glad that the program had helped to open up her mind and broaden her perspective with regards to decision making.

What gladdened us were also the words of appreciation from the cheerful inmates and we were  heartened to be one of the helping hands to empower these young lives during their period of incarceration and to give them hope to start life afresh.