Story of a Beautiful GEM

I’m Shazrin and I have been staying in Singapore since I was 14 years old. I did not have the opportunity to attend school although I very much wanted to. Having no certificates or education, I felt lost and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. My dream was to have the ability to help my mom and siblings but I felt stuck as I thought that there was no hope or a future for me. I cried when I thought about the future so I chose not to think about it as I felt weak crying.
I got into trouble with the law and was sent by the State Court to reside in the WINners’ Home, a residential home for young female offenders. That was in fact a turning point in my life. In the WINners’ Home, I experienced love and learned to appreciate myself. I realised that there were people who cared about me and my future. I learned to be positive and not to give up on my life. I also had the opportunity to learn manicure/pedicure and facial; skills that I never thought I would learned in my life. Learning these skills helped me to be more confident during my internship placement. I got to improve on my English too!
Throughout my stay in the WINners’ Home, the staff never gave up on me. I started to discover my potential and saw hope for my future. I learned to love and accept myself. I felt free to share my problems because I knew that I was not alone. I felt sad the day I completed my residency in the WINners’ Home as it had become my home and the people there had become my extended family.